Root Season - Finding the tap root of our story
Autumn is my favourite season. I find summer too demanding, especially living in Sweden where there is a pressure to fill those...
Root Season - Finding the tap root of our story
A storyteller? What do you actually do?
Triptych of Disconnection III
Triptych of Disconnection II - Body
The Triptych of Disconnection - 1. Land
Can a leopard change their spots? (Or pulling out the racist marrow in our bones.)
Becoming whole.
Finding Our Red Thread
How do we create the story we want to live?
Holding the Paradox
Making sense of the senseless
Identity, Play and Story
The Story Backwards and A Residential Weekend for You!
The Imagined Self
Supporting Stories & Networking Narratives
Transition Tales. (Or make sure you wipe your feet!)
Deconstruct your own narrative before judging others.
The Story of Behaviour Change
The Story of Why and the Why of Story.
A Letter to a Future Self